Thursday, January 31, 2008

thickle thursday

k, i don't know yet what 'thickle' means or if it's a word, but i've determined that's the kind of day i'm having... it ryhms with 'fickle', which i still don't think is the right word, but i'm forcing it into appropriateness for today anyway... it sounds like pickle and sick and ick!

the day sorta trickled over from yesterday when as i was headed out the door for the day with kids, i hear cooper cry-whining (NOTHING unusual) and discover he's puked his milk all over himself. so i send jonah across the street to catch a ride to school with his cousins and i clean cooper up and call the appropriate people. craig was able to come home and stay with coop and i left for work. but still only an hour into my day, craig was a bit concerned because cooper hadn't stopped throwing up, he had nothing more to throw up and was now dry-heaving. so i head home with all the necessary 'juices' to baby my baby. he carried on until 2pm, throwing up every 30min- hour until he was finally able to rest for a nap. now i remember jonah being pukey sick, but never this bad. and with cooper's sensibility that he can command things of this world to simply be or not be- (gravity or really any other laws of nature that he's continually frustrated at not being able to control as he wishes), chasing my wild 2yo around with a large kitchen pot, trying to hold him up to it like a limp doll, all the while he's screaming 'NO, not yet'.. really made for an exhausting day!

and plug in 'dad' who calls me about a mysterious check that's showed up at his house. since he couldn't figure out how to tell me what he was looking at, i went over there only to discover it's a check that i wrote for his newpaper subscription that's been tacked to the bulletin board for over a month. it's for the paper boy. aauugh.

so moving on to today, cooper seems to be back to his full throttle self and i come to work ready to plug away- only for my boss to share a 'funny' that happened after he notified the other staff of my absence from work yesterday. one of my in-direct co-workers replied to my boss, suggesting that he never hire my kids since they're always so sick!! @*&^#**$ how dare he!?? needless to say, i was a taken aback but was able to reply with a chuckle. however, it completely ruined my mood for the day and the progress i felt i was making in keeping a good, positive attitude about my working situation... even though i'm going absolutely nuts! so because i am angela hear me roar- i decided to politely and respectfully communicate to this co-worker to please consider other people's lives and situations before making such observations. i found that i was genuinly offended, given all the other issues i currently have with work.

i'm hitting up tonight!


Jamie said...

Hang in there Ang...sounds like you're doing a great job in your role as a mom (and daughter)! I'm sorry you had a crappy week. I guess the chances of it getting better this week are pretty good then, huh?