Monday, June 9, 2008

i... no, not I and not eye.. but i.

blogging is good for venting!

so i send out an internal email.. (i did say internal) to the communication and secretary groups at work about making sure plastic vendor badges are returned to me. if you've been reading my blog and/or if you've read other correspondance from me, i generally type in lower case, except for curtiously capitalizing proper names. so the next day i come in with an email from my boss to consider proofing that in the future and that while it's ok to use email 'shorthand' within my own dept., those going out to a wider group should look more professional. someone complained that i didn't capitalize i when referencing myself! oh em gee! seriously. now i put way too much time and thought into what i write, especially when sending out a representation of myself. and while i know that using lowercase letter's has not been considered etiquette, i am obviously not 5 and i'm capable of effectively communicating with a group of professionals despite the fact that i fail to hit 'SHIFT' when referencing myself. BIG DEAL!!!! speaking of... since this mini-ordeal, our own Marketing dept. has sent out, count em... 3 emails in ALL CAPS about various happenings. *sigh- another fine example of the beauracratic BS that just really boils my blood! needless to say, because i am the amazingly defiant Angela (OooOo.. catch that A!?) i've since updated my email signature to include a qoute from the precedently deviant E.E. Cummings.. or rather, e.e. cummings!
i am angela, hear i roar!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe


Jamie said...

yOu gO giRL !